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13.02.2017, 14:37

GAI Minsk region has strengthened control over the drivers of ATVs

GAI Minsk region has strengthened control over the drivers of ATVs. Told reporters Acting ex-officio head of the Traffic Police Department of Internal Affairs of Minsk Regional Executive Committee, Mikhail Akulich at a press conference, BelTA has learned.

"Department of Internal Affairs of Minsk Regional Executive Committee tightens control and organize a targeted raid to identify and prevent violations of traffic rules quad drivers and similar vehicles. So, from 10 to 12 February by police identified seven drivers who ran ATV, violate traffic rules requirements and environmental legislation" - said Mikhail Akulich.

With regard to offenders administrative reports. In some cases, police officers collected the materials of the administrative process regarding the damage of agricultural land directed to village councils to prosecute violators of the Administrative Code of Belarus on st.10.8 (destruction or damage to crops, post-harvest crops or plants) with recommendations to establish prejudice to its violators compensation .

The outfits patrol raids except employees of traffic police involved, local inspectors. It was also organized interaction with MOE staff on the use of unmanned aerial vehicles and motosnegohodov for more coverage patrolled areas. Employees of forestry enterprises, village councils, road maintenance services, the State Inspectorate of protection of flora and fauna guided by promptly informing the police. "During the raids emphasis on the establishment of the physical condition of quad drivers, check the documentation of vehicles carried out an active outreach on the need to comply with traffic rules, the inadmissibility of deterioration of the road network, the races on farmland, crop damage," - said Mikhail Akulich.

In UGAI called violations registered in the Minsk region. In particular, it stopped two drivers who ran ATV drunk, while in one case a man was carrying as a passenger in a 7-year-old son, in the second - kvadrotsiklisty fastened to the vehicle for driving the sled with two children. In Uzda district of 17-year-old drove ATV belonging to an adult friend.

In addition, the vehicles for which there were doubts as to the legality of their use of documentary, delivered to the police department of Minsk. "Total delivered 8 cars Given the perfect January 30 Berezinsky area 3 theft ATV in the terms established by the legislation of the verification of these vehicles will be carried out to belong to stolen ATVs in the Berezina region and other regions.", - Said Mikhail Akulich.

Raid work to prevent violations by drivers on the territory of Minsk region and in other areas will continue. Violators will be prosecuted according to current legislation. "In view of this traffic police strongly recommends that owners and drivers of all terrain vehicles, off-road vehicles, ATVs avoid trips on public roads and other traffic violations and environmental legislation, control drunk and unsafe use," - he said.

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