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17.02.2017, 8:23

Students from Lithuania, Latvia and Belarus will compete with "colleagues" at the festival "I - researcher"

Interest in the festival work of research character of preschool children and younger schoolboys "I - researcher", which takes place in the Minsk region, showed the students from Lithuania and Latvia, BelTA learned from the Minsk Oblast Executive Committee Board of Education .

The boys from neighboring countries, along with representatives of all districts of the Minsk region, Minsk and Mogilev sent the contest works. The Year of Science young scientists produced 175 works, of which 161 individual and 14 team.

Pre-school children spent their first study and presented 67 papers in such categories as "Lost," "May Radzimy - Belarus", "unusual in a normal", "Child and nature." A junior high school students have studied the phenomenon of animate and inanimate nature, understood in Ahaz of Arts and Sciences. Young intellectuals said the festival 108 works in nominations "the humanities", "Natural (inanimate nature)", "Natural sciences (wildlife)," "Mathematics, physics, electronics, robotics".

The expert group of the festival will evaluate the submitted projects and identify no more than 10 in each category to participate in the internal round. Participants of the final stage will be announced until 28 February. The finale of the festival, "I - the researcher," which will be held in the form of an open bench protection with elements of interviews and conversations with members of the expert group will be held on March 10 in Minsk Regional Institute for Education Development. As a result, all participants will receive a certificate.

The event is held in order to create favorable conditions for the early detection and disclosure of intellectual and creative potential of preschool children and younger students, support the development of highly motivated children and children with signs of giftedness.

The organizers of the festival are the Department of Education and Minsk City Executive Committee Minsk Regional Institute for Education Development.

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