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24.02.2017, 9:46

Superior battery navigate to Google services: the surprise in the Minsk region "TehnoIntellekte"

In the Minsk region completed the regional stage of the Republican contest of scientific and technical creativity of pupils' TehnoIntellekt ", BelTA learned from the Minsk Regional Institute for Education Development.

The students presented their inventions in the field of natural, mathematical and engineering science, results of experimental and research work, the original design and construction, system applications, and service packs.

For example, a high school student №9 Zhodino Denis Shempel appreciated recreational potential of Smolevichi district and the city of Zhodino and created a more interactive navigation system for the Google Maps service, to attract potential tourists. Ivan Bobryk (Molodechno special boarding school №2 for children with visual impairments) offered a homemade compass deflector. The device is an improved version of the galvanometer-tangent that is used to determine the horizontal component of the earth's magnetic field.

Maxim Akulich from school №1 Dzerzhinsk own produced lithium-ion battery based on graphene. The device has a lower weight, size and better performance compared to conventional lithium-ion batteries. Propose a mechanism of introduction to the architecture of the complex high technology resource-saving technologies, the students of Minsk State Regional Lyceum Artem Shmykov Yakshuk and Andrew have created a project "Energy-efficient house Belarus - CITY 2050". The student branch "TechnoArt" Creativity Center, tourism and excursions of children and youth Zhodino Hodotovich Denis presented the key-cutting machine, designed for the manufacture of furniture carved details of decor and other operations to process wood.

On the regional stage "TehnoIntellekta" exhibited more than 160 creative works in sections 13 young inventors and researchers. The winners will represent Minsk Region at the national competition to be held at the Belarusian National Technical University (BNTU) in March.

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