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02.03.2017, 8:16

In the Minsk region strengthened monitoring the flood situation

In the Minsk region strengthened monitoring the flood situation, BelTA learned from the regional emergency department.

The water level in the rivers of the central region continues to increase. According to the National Center for Hydrometeorology, control of radioactive contamination and environmental monitoring of the Ministry of Environment environment, the water is on the flood plains on the Neman in city columns on the Neris Steshitsy the village, on the Berezina Berezino the city, near the village on the Svisloch Terebuty. For weather forecasts, water levels rise in rivers in the central region in the near future will continue.

flooding of settlements is in the field is not marked, but the flood situation monitoring strengthened. In case you need to help the people prepared special equipment.

Due to the sharp warming intensified patrolling rivers and reservoirs employees OSVOD since the destruction of the ice cover continues. Despite the fact that most of the river is still freezing in the ice cover and flange polynia increased, there is water on the ice. Leaving the ice becomes dangerous, sometimes it has already darkened.

The ice on the ponds - high-risk zone. Annually killed a large number of people from non-observance of safety rules on the ice. During the period of thaw lakes and rivers are especially dangerous, as with changes in temperature changes not only the thickness of the ice, but also its structure. Thus, the ice blue color - the most durable. Ice that has shades of gray, matt white or yellow, is the least reliable. He collapses without warning crackling sound. His most thin ice, as a rule, there is at the confluence of streams in the channel of the rivers, in places of changing the direction of flow, have steep banks, as well as under a thick layer of snow, and in places growing shrubs, trees in the water. Safe for a person's weight is considered to be ice thickness not less than 7 cm.

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