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17.03.2017, 8:37

Teachers of the year in the Minsk region will be called on March 29 in Dzerzhinsk

The names of the winners of the Minsk regional stage of the "Master of the Year of the Republic of Belarus" professional skill competition will be announced on March 29 in Dzerzhinsk, BelTA learned from the Minsk Regional Institute of Education Development.

Competitive events began in the educational institutions of the Minsk region in the autumn of 2016. In the first show of pedagogical talents more than 2,2 thousand specialists took part, who demonstrated their skills in schools, gymnasiums, lyceums, colleges, kindergartens, where they work. In December and January, 789 teachers, who became winners in their educational institutions, joined the professional competitions of the second stage of the contest, which took place in all districts of the central region and in the town of Zhodino.

Participants of the third (regional) stage were 162 teachers representing institutions of general secondary and vocational education. Based on the results of the correspondence evaluation of the contest materials, the jury selected 40 participants. On March 13, the teachers passed the testing, which included questions on the taught subject, pedagogy, and psychology. From March 14 to March 17, they hold open classes in unfamiliar classes, master classes for students of the Belarusian State Pedagogical University, the Moscow State University of Industrial Literature, the Industrial and Pedagogical College. Based on the results of these tests, 24 teachers will take part in the final of the regional contest (three in each nomination). On March 22, they will show their mini-lessons at the stage of the Minsk Regional Institute of Educational Development.

The competition of professional skills will continue on March 29 at the City House of Culture in Dzerzhinsk, where a public presentation of the experience of pedagogical activity, creative self-presentation of the contestants will take place. According to the results of the tests, laureates will be determined in each nomination, as well as eight winners who will represent the Minsk region at the republican contest in September this year. The solemn ceremony of awarding will also be held on March 29 in Dzerzhinsk.

"For the education system of the Minsk region, the contest of professional skills of teachers is a symbol of the creative, intellectual and innovative potential of teaching." Participation in such a significant event enhances the status of not only the teacher himself, but also the institution of education in which he works, "the regional Institute. The organizers of the regional stage of the contest are the Education Department of the Minsk Regional Executive Committee and the regional organization of the Belarusian Trade Union of Educators and Scientists.

The Ministry of Education of Belarus holds a competition of professional skills of teachers every three years. In the 2016/2017 academic year, teachers compete in eight categories: Physics, Astronomy, Mathematics, Informatics, Foreign Language, Russian Language and Literature, Belarusian Language and Literature, Elementary Classes, Music, Fine Arts, Art (domestic and world art culture), labor training, drawing, physical culture and health, pre-conscription training "," History, social science, geography "," Chemistry, biology "," Pre-school education educator ".

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