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05.04.2017, 9:47

In the Minsk region there is a calm flood situation

The flood situation in the Minsk region remains calm, an official representative of the Minsk regional department of the Ministry of Emergency Situations Kristina Boreiko told BelTA.

"This year, in fact, there is no question of flooding as such in the region.The roads and bridges were not submerged, the outflows of water to the floodplain of the rivers were fixed, but there is nothing unusual about this.In some places the water from the rivers came out on homesteads located close To them of private households, but at the same time the houses themselves were not flooded, "the agency representative noted.

Monitoring of the flood situation continues in normal mode, the level of water in the rivers is constantly monitored. This is carried out at four gauging stations: on the Viliya River near the village of Steshchytsya (Vileysky District), on the Neman near the Stolbtsy, on the Berezina in Borisov and Berezino and on Svisloch near the village of Terebuty (Pukhovichsky District). According to the latest data, the water in them does not rise to dangerous levels. For example, in Stolbtsy, the water level in the Neman is 164 cm (at a dangerous level - 230 cm), in Berezino on the Berezina - 218 cm (at a dangerous level - 280 cm).

According to the data of the Republican Center for Hydrometeorology, Monitoring of Radioactive Contamination and Environmental Monitoring of the Ministry of Natural Resources, at present most of the rivers show a decrease in water levels with a daily intensity of 1 to 16 cm. The water temperature has increased and is in rivers from 3.2 to 14 degrees, in water bodies from 4.3 to 12 degrees.

Employees of the bodies and subdivisions of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the region are ready to react to a possible change in the situation. In constant readiness there is a special equipment in case of necessity of the help to the population. Now the focus of rescuers is concentrated on the problem of spring fires of dry vegetation.

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