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06.04.2017, 15:15

Heating shutdown started in Minsk region

The heating shutdown started in the Minsk region, Tatyana Shmigelskaya, the head of the heat and power engineering department of the housing and communal services of the Minsk region, told BelTA.

"Yesterday the decision of the Minsk Regional Executive Committee on the shutdown of heating systems was signed.The document does not contain a specific date for a complete shutdown According to the technical code of established practice (TAP) for three days, the average outside air temperature should be plus 8 degrees, which is the reason for the termination of heat supply Taking into account the geographic location of the various regions of the Minsk region and the current climate, the district executive committees have the right to make decisions on disconnections themselves, "said Tatyana Shm gelskaya.

According to her, the decision of the regional executive committee was sent out for execution to the districts. Heating shutdown has already started in the administrative buildings. Some boiler houses do not allow separate disconnection of such buildings without stopping the supply of heat to objects of other categories. In this case, their heating continues. Outages in the housing stock will be the next stage of the completion of the heating of the campaign. Lastly, the supply of heat will be discontinued for social facilities - hospitals, schools, kindergartens, etc.

Minsk region municipal authorities are already preparing plans for the preparation of heating infrastructure facilities for the next autumn-winter period.

The current heating season in the central region started in the first decade of October 2016.

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