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12.04.2017, 16:03

Teachers from the Minsk region and Saragossa will discuss ways to expand scientific cooperation

For the development of international cooperation in the field of education between Belarus and Spain, a meeting of students and teachers of the Spanish language from the central region with the delegation of Zaragoza (Spain) will be held on April 13 at the Minsk Regional Institute for Education Development (MIRO), BelTA learned from the institute. >

The participants of the meeting will get acquainted with the experience of cooperation between the school # 17 Borisov and educational institutions in Saragossa. For example, correspondence with native speakers is conducted, students attend sights, study the traditions of the Spanish people. "The parties have been maintaining friendly and business relations for about 8 years, the pupils of the Borisov school have repeatedly won the republican olympiads in the Spanish language." This year was also the exception: two diplomas of the final stage of the Olympiad were registered at the school's representatives. " >

Teachers will take part in the round table, where they will discuss the development of Belarusian-Spanish cooperation in the field of education and science. Schoolchildren will be offered an interactive game "In the Year of Science with the idea of new inventions". Guys in Spanish will defend scientific projects designed to improve people's lives and the world around them.

The Spanish collective "Baluarte Aragones" will perform with folklore performances. Guests will get acquainted with the activities of the Minsk Regional Institute of Education Development, visit the museum, library, dispensary of the institution.

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