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21.04.2017, 15:24

About 400 thousand inhabitants of the Minsk region plan to participate in the republican subbotnik

About 400 thousand Minsk residents plan to take part in the republican subbotnik on April 22, BelTA learned from the main department of ideological work, culture and youth affairs of the Minsk Regional Executive Committee.

From the regional services and organizations, more than 5,300 people will work at the subbotnik, who will work in the workplaces, improve facilities and adjacent territories, and plant trees. Representatives of the Minsk Regional Executive Committee will work on the construction of a new kindergarten in Stolbtsy, on the territory of the Sino-Belarusian industrial park "Great Stone", in the Zhdanovichi orphanage, other social facilities.

Workers of the Minsk State Forestry Production Association will go to the Smolevichi District, where they will take part in the planting of young forests in the territories affected by the consequences of last summer's hurricanes. A large-scale cleaning of the roadside on the highway P40 Borovlyany - Logoisk will be carried out by the employees of RUE "Minskavtodor-Center". In the tract of Kurapaty workers of the Minsk regional association of trade unions and its regional organizations of trade unions will work. Representatives of the Minsk Regional Committee of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection will participate in the improvement of the water facility of the Uzlyany-Malinniki spill in the Pukhovichi District.

The rural workers of the central region on the day of the republican subbotnik, according to tradition, will be engaged in sowing, as well as the establishment of order in the territories of farms and mechdvor. Employees of housing and communal services enterprises, executive committees, village and township councils of deputies, as well as the village elders will carry out landscaping of urban and rural cemeteries (garbage collection, demolition of emergency trees, cleaning of the territory). In addition, planting trees and ornamental shrubs, cleaning roadways, whitewashing of curbs, trees, painting turnstiles, small architectural forms and socle grounds of buildings, container sites will be organized.

It is expected that during the republican subbotnik in the central region will be earned more than Br730 thousand 50% of the funds received will subsequently be transferred to the Ministry of Finance. The remaining 50% remain at the disposal of the Minsk Regional Executive Committee. They will be sent for reconstruction, restoration, restoration of historical and cultural values, preparation of children's health and sports camps for the summer season.

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