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27.04.2017, 8:59

Students and teachers of the Minsk region won the awards of the competition of scientific works in Moscow

Pupils and teachers from the Minsk region won awards at the V International Prizma Scientific Competition, the finale of which was held in Moscow, BelTA learned from the Education Department of the Minsk Regional Executive Committee.

Belarus was represented by teachers and students from Borisov, Minsk, Soligorsk, Cherven, Uzda districts of the Minsk region, as well as from the Nesvizh State College named after Yakub Kolas and the Minsk State Regional Lyceum. They presented 26 works in four nominations in several directions. Under the terms of the competition, the winners of the awards represented both their own studies conducted under the guidance of teachers and joint projects prepared with their peers, parents, teachers, students, scientists. Employees of educational institutions, in particular, were invited to submit their own innovative developments to the contest in the educational and upbringing process.

Thus, the first place in the contest was taken by Valery Ratskevich from the Nesvizh College named after Yakub Kolas for his work in the humanitarian field in the field of literature ("Colorful vocabulary in the ergonomics of the Republic of Belarus"). Two works of Belarusian students are recognized as the best in the natural sciences direction. Among them, a joint study of representatives of the Minsk Oblast Lyceum Denis Alekseyev and Anastasia Razmyslovych ("Assessment of the resistance of Erwinia amylovora bacteria and Pseudomonas syringae to antibiotics and chemical plant protection products"), as well as the work of the student Ostrošicko-Gorodok secondary school Maria Novitskaya ("Measures to preserve populations Amphibians in the village of Ostroshitsy ").

Among the teachers, Natalia Dekhtyaryova from the Ecological and Biological Center for Children and Youth of the Soligorsk district became the winner of the contest for the humanitarian direction with the work "The Path of Development of the Senses". Elena Volkova (secondary school No. 5 of Soligorsk) achieved the same success, the project of which is devoted to innovations in the educational process, in particular, the development of reading competence.

A number of projects of students and teachers of Minsk region won prizes, and also received other prizes of the Prism competition. The best were determined during the full-time stage, which provided for the speakers' statements with the results of their own research, inventive and other creative activities at the sectional meetings. Then there was defense of the works before the expert jury, which included teachers from leading universities in Russia, Belarus, scholars, scholarships grants winners, representatives of the parental community.

Among the founders and organizers of the international competition Prism Moscow State Academy of Water Transport, Peoples' Friendship University of Russia, State Educational Establishment of Moscow "Gymnasium No. 1551", Volga Region State Social and Humanitarian Academy, Moscow City Organization of the Trade Union of Educators and Science, Prefecture of the North-West Administrative District of Moscow.

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