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11.05.2017, 11:52

The best large family of the Minsk region will be selected in Logoisk

The regional contest for the best family with many children in the Minsk region ("The Big Family of the Year of the Minsk Region") will be held on May 12 in Logoisk, BelTA learned from the main department of ideological work, culture and youth affairs of the Ministry of Regional Development.

The contest will be held in Logoisk District Cultural Center. Participation in it will be won by the winners of the zonal stages, which took place from April 14 to 29. For the victory in the regional competition, the Vishnyak family from the Slutsk district, the Evtukh family from the Nesvizh district, the Repin family from the Dzerzhinsky district, the family of the Michnitsky from Zhodino will argue. Also among the contenders for the title are the Lashkevich family from Logoisk District, on the basis of which the final stage is being held.

The regional contest will begin at 11.00 with the nomination "Secrets of Success". Here the participants will present their master classes. At the contest, they will also demonstrate culinary skills, creative numbers, and tell about family traditions.

Evaluation of the participants' performances will be a competitive commission headed by Deputy Chairman of the Minsk Oblast Executive Committee Viktor Sirenko. It was composed of representatives of the Committee on Labor, Employment and Social Protection of the Regional Executive Committee, the regional organization of the Belarusian Women's Union, regional branches of the Belarusian Peace Foundation, Belarusian Children's Fund, the Minsk Regional Trade Union Association and others. >

The event will be held on the eve of the Family Day, which is celebrated in Belarus on May 15. The competition was organized in pursuance of the subprogram "Family and Children" of the state program "People's Health and Demographic Security of the Republic of Belarus" for 2016-2020.

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