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14.06.2017, 10:22

GAI will strengthen control over high-speed regime on the roads of the Minsk region

The traffic police of Minsk region will hold a preventive action "Speed" from June 15 to June 18, BelTA learned from the UVAI of the Minsk Regional Executive Committee.

The action is held in connection with the fact that one of the main causes of accidents is the driver's non-compliance with the speed of movement. In January-May, for this reason, 57 road accidents were committed, 14 people died and 66 injured.

"The traffic police organizes intensified supervision of the traffic with public, private and mixed control of compliance with speed limits by drivers." During the action, the strictest measures of administrative punishment in accordance with the legislation will be applied to offenders-hackers, "the UGAI noted.

According to article 18.13 of the Administrative Code of Belarus, the excess penalty is 1 to 10 base units (one BV is now equal to Br23). For a repeated violation of this nature within a year, the deprivation of a driving license for up to 1 year is applied. GAI encourages drivers to self-discipline, responsibility and compliance with traffic rules.

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