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28.06.2017, 8:34

More than 34 thousand schoolchildren became healthier in the camps of the Minsk region in the first shift

More than 34 thousand schoolchildren became healthier in the camps of the Minsk region on the first shift, BelTA learned from the regional institute for the development of education.

In 152 camps with a round-the-clock stay, more than 5.9 thousand children underwent rehabilitation, and in 584 camps with day stay - more than 28 thousand.

Day camps worked in various areas of activity - ecological, cultural-leisure, local history, civil-patriotic, sports and health. In all health camps, preventive measures were taken to ensure the basics of life safety, preservation and promotion of children's health and life.

For example, in the Borisov district on the basis of the Center for Children and Youth Creativity, an art camp was organized to develop creative abilities and talents. Those who had a rest in Brodyka lived according to the rules of the game, according to which the camp turned into a research institute, and each detachment went to a scientific laboratory. Each of them during the shift worked on research in a given thematic direction: fire, water, earth and man. Research work became the pages of the electronic encyclopedia of children's discoveries.

In the camp of work and recreation of the secondary school No. 1 of Vileika, the program "Volunteers of summer" was implemented, during which the social and pedagogical project "I am a volunteer-instructor", the research project "Arboretum for a native school". In the defense-sports camp "Patriot" of the Kletsk district, 90 young men aged 14-16 years were healthy, for whom a program was developed together with the military commissariat of the Kletsk district and the Kletsk district organizational structure of the DOSAAF. The boys mastered the basics of drill training, learned to use small arms and throwing weapons, took part in excursions, in the military-patriotic game "Zarnitsa." In the military-sports camp "Orlyata", on the basis of the Dzerzhinsky regional center of tourism and local lore, 116 students of the 10th form of educational institutions received knowledge and practiced the skills necessary for future defenders of the Fatherland. The specialists of the military commissariat of the Dzerzhinsky district and servicemen helped them in this. Traditionally, a profile shift took place for detachments of young traffic inspectors at the Orlyonok health camp in the Nesvizh district.

Activities conducted in health camps were also aimed at the prevention of child road traffic injuries, the prevention of bad habits, including the use of smoking mixtures, spices. During the action "Vacations without smoke and fire" the children visited the fire units, met with employees of the emergency departments. In the first shift for tourists in the camps of the central region, excursions to the Belarusian State Museum of the History of the Great Patriotic War, the regional museum of local lore, the Central Botanical Garden, the memorial complexes Khatyn and Kurgan of Glory were organized.

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