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06.07.2017, 8:55

The regional Council of Deputies approved Isachenko as the chairman of the Minsk Regional Executive Committee

Deputies of the Minsk Regional Council of Deputies at an extraordinary session were confirmed by Anatoly Isachenko as the chairman of the Minsk Regional Executive Committee, BelTA.
Presenting Anatoly Isachenko, the head of the Presidential Administration of Belarus, Natalia Kochanova, highly appreciated the personal, professional, business qualities of the new governor who passed the path from a specialist in an agricultural organization to the chairman of the Kirov district executive committee, deputy chairman of the Mogilev regional executive committee, chairman of the Mogilev regional council of deputies. The last place of work is an assistant to the President of Belarus - an inspector for the Minsk region.
"At all stages of his work he was very responsible for the duties assigned to him, showed initiative, deeply analyzed the situation for making correct, verified decisions, thoroughly studied the personnel potential of this or that region.I am sure that the Minsk region will reach a new stage of formation and movement Forward.This is a special region that makes a significant contribution to the economy of the country, "she noted.
Among the main issues to be solved by the head of the capital region, the access to profitable work of all business entities, the activation of investment activities, the development of infrastructure, work with personnel. Also, Natalia Kochanova focused attention of the audience on the tasks that were set at the fifth All-Belarusian People's Assembly, in the Address to the Belarusian people and the National Assembly. The main ones are employment, employment and wages.
Anatoly Isachenko was appointed chairman of the Minsk Regional Executive Committee on July 4. Colleagues especially noted such qualities of the new governor as decency, diligence, professionalism, responsibility, purposefulness, ability to understand people.
The session of the regional Council of Deputies was attended by the Secretary of State of the Security Council Stanislav Zas, deputies of the House of Representatives of the National Assembly, chairmen of district executive committees and the Zhodino City Executive Committee, heads of enterprises.
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