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18.07.2017, 14:13

Antitrafficking summer youth camp opens in Belarus' Volozhin Region

Summer youth camp Explore. Act. Share dedicated to countering trafficking in persons was opened in Volozhin District, Minsk Oblast on 17 July, BelTA learned from the International Organization for Migration (IOM) office in Belarus.

The summer camp is dedicated to the World Day against Trafficking in Persons celebrated on 30 July. The camp makes part of the IOM program Stop Trafficking in Persons launched in Belarus in 2016. Belarus became the first country in Eastern Europe to join this information campaign.

Partaking in the opening of the camp were representatives of the Belarusian Interior Ministry, the IOM, the UNAIDS, the UNICEF, the UNDP, other UN agencies, and the USAID.

The camp's participants are the active young people chosen by a special commission following the competitive selection. They are expected to discuss safe migration, countering human trafficking, gender equality, domestic violence, the prevention of HIV/AIDS, and other matters with the experts. The camp is designed to teach young people to be volunteers at or to organize events teaching their peers and involving them in welfare work.

The event is powered by the IOM office in Belarus in cooperation with the Belarusian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Interior Ministry, and the UNDP representation offices.

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