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24.08.2017, 10:12

Private business will be more widely used in the sphere of pre-school education in the Minsk region

The best weavers will be identified in the Old Roads

Private business will be more widely used in the field of pre-school education in the Minsk region. Irina Mashketova, chief specialist of the department of preschool, general secondary, vocational and secondary special education of the education administration of the Minsk Oblast Executive Committee, Irina Mashketova, reported today at the section "Modern approaches to improving the quality of preschool education: experience, problems, prospects" of the Republican Pedagogical Council. / P>

According to Irina Mashketova, for the region, especially for the Minsk region, the problem of providing step-by-step accessibility of kindergartens is urgent. Despite the fact that new institutions are opened every year, the issue remains acute, as housing construction in some populated areas is much ahead of the development of the social sphere. Since 2011, the number of preschool children has increased by more than 5 thousand

"We connect to the construction of investors, today any building of the residential sector provides for the construction of schools, kindergartens and other infrastructure." The reserves associated with the reconstruction and conversion of existing buildings and structures, the withdrawal of the first classes, have practically exhausted themselves. Sector, the opening of family groups, etc. ", - said Irina Mashketova.

The planned construction of new kindergartens in the region has been under way for the last six years. In 2016 and the first half of 2017, five pre-school establishments were opened. Two kindergartens were built at the expense of investors' funds, two more preschool institutions are being prepared for commissioning. The number of groups of short-term stay and integrated training is increasing, the services for children under the age of three are most in demand.

In total, the Minsk region has 648 state and 14 private educational institutions. There are 8 family kindergartens functioning in small settlements and four family groups are organized. At the regional competition "Matchchins krosny".

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