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15.09.2017, 17:05

Minsk region and the Pomorskie voivodeship will expand cooperation in industry and logistics

The Minsk region and the Pomeranian Voivodeship of Poland intend to expand cooperation in various industries and transport and logistics. The corresponding questions were discussed today at the 9th Belarus-Pomor Economic Forum in Minsk by Deputy Chairman of the Minsk Oblast Executive Committee Oleg Plavsky and Vice-Marshals of the Pomeranian Voivodeship Krzysztof Trawicki, BelTA has learned.

As Oleg Plavsky noted, communications established between the Minsk region and the Pomeranian voivodeship are important for Belarus as a whole. A number of projects that are already being implemented in the region are cross-border. So, CJSC "Stadler Minsk" from Fanipol is working on the supply of components for Polish enterprises that are part of the Swiss company Stadler. In addition, from year to year, supplies to the Polish market of mineral fertilizers produced by Belaruskali are increasing. And the recipe is made directly for the Polish market, which indicates even closer ties. In the Minsk region, projects are being implemented with Polish investments - JSC "Plant of Mining Wax" and SOO "Sinyavskaya Furniture Factory". Logistics centers in Belarus and Poland are developing ties and working in a virtually unified chain.

"I would like to set the task to significantly increase trade and economic cooperation," the deputy chairman of the Minsk Regional Executive Committee said. "For our part, we are ready to help advance any initiatives that will benefit the economies of both countries."

Oleg Plavsky recalled that in the Minsk region there are various zones with preferential business regimes. In addition, cargo railways from China to the seaports of Western Europe regularly pass through the region. In fact, these are unilateral deliveries of goods, and it is important that Polish and Belarusian companies can work to fill these trains with their movements in the opposite direction. The Chinese-Belarusian industrial park "Great Stone" is called upon to contribute to the realization of this goal. Oleg Plavsky stressed the interest of the Belarusian side in attracting additional projects to the industrial park from the neighboring countries of Belarus.

In turn, Krzysztof Trawicki noted the dynamic development of cooperation between the two regions, which moved to the level of business and joint ventures. Representatives of 16 companies came to the structure of the Polish delegation to the IX Belarusian-Pomor forum. The day before, a cooperation agreement was signed between Slutsk and Tchev. The document provides for interaction at the level of self-government bodies, including cultural and business exchange.

The head of the Polish delegation spoke about the developed industry in the Pomeranian Voivodeship, including such areas as radio electronics, petrochemistry, automation, IT technologies. "We are interested in developing cooperation in these areas with the Belarusian side, in particular with the Minsk region," said Krzysztof Trawicki, "We need to take into account the geographical location of the Pomeranian Voivodeship, which provides great prospects in the transport and logistics sector." The largest container port in the Baltic sea, developed a network of highways, air communication. "

During the plenary session, the presentation of the economic, investment, industrial, transport, logistics, sports, tourism and health-improving potential of the Minsk region was held. Business negotiations in B2B format were held to deepen business contacts.

The Pomeranian Voivodeship is one of the five leading Polish regions in terms of gross domestic product growth. The industrial sector, transport and logistics are highly developed here, primarily due to the presence of seaports in Gdansk and Gdynia, the oil refining industry, the tourism industry, the IT sector, the processing of fish and agricultural products. Commodity producers from the Pomeranian Voivodeship are actively cooperating with partners from Belarus, some of them are residents of free economic zones (Brest, Grodnoinvest). Many enterprises of the Polish region import Belarusian products.

The visit of the delegation of the Pomeranian Voivodeship of Poland to the Minsk region will last until September 16. The program is planned to visit enterprises, including Henkel Bautechnik JV, Pharmland JV, Nesvizh Children's Nutrition Plant, Agrocombinat Snov SPK, Polish guests will also get acquainted with Sino-Belarusian industrial park Great Stone. / p>

The initiative of holding the Belarusian-Pomor Regional Economic Forum belongs to the Consulate General of Belarus in Gdansk and the leadership of the Pomeranian Voivodeship. The main goal of the event is to promote the development of economic ties between the regions of Belarus and Poland. The first such forum took place in Wejherowo (Poland) in 2007. The previous forum in 2016 hosted Gdansk. The business circles of the two countries are actively using the forum's opportunities to establish contacts and develop cooperation in the field of trade

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