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18.10.2017, 15:53

More than 9 thousand schoolchildren will undergo recovery on the autumn vacation in the Minsk region

More than 9 thousand schoolchildren will undergo health improvement during the autumn vacation in the Minsk region, BelTA learned from the Education Department of the Minsk Regional Executive Committee.

The health campaign will be held from October 29 to November 7 under the motto "Autumn holidays in the Minsk region: interesting, useful, safe!".

During the vacation period in the institutions of general secondary education of the region, the work of health camps will be organized for schoolchildren with a day's stay. During these days, the children will be offered diverse classes on interests, excursions to museums, cultural and historical places of Belarus. Students will take part in intellectual tournaments, exhibitions of arts and crafts, fairs, auctions, etc.

For children and adolescents registered in juvenile affairs inspections recognized as socially dangerous, the final game of KVN's Autumn Marathon will be held.

Prepare for students and career-oriented meetings at industrial and agricultural enterprises, vocational schools, secondary specialized and higher education institutions.

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