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01.11.2017, 13:04

Representatives of Russian media get acquainted with the development of the Minsk region

Representatives of the Russian media came to Belarus to participate in the press tour "Actual issues of cooperation between the Minsk region and Russia's regions", which will last until November 3, BelTA has learned.

Among the participants of the press tour are employees of the publications of the Union State, news agencies, print and electronic media from Moscow, St. Petersburg, Kaliningrad, Nizhny Novgorod, Bryansk and other regions. In total, the delegation consists of about 30 people.

For guests prepared a rich program. The journalists will visit RUE "Slutsk Belts", OJSC "Slutsk Cheese Factory", Slutsk State College, Zhodino Bakery OJSC "Borisovkhlebprom", JSC "BelAZ", OJSC "Belcommunmash" Managing Company.

Also guests will get acquainted with the infrastructure and objects of social sphere of the agrotown of Kurkovo of Smolevichy district. For them, organize a walking tour of the lantern alley in Zhodino, and on the way back to Moscow, representatives of the media will visit Polotsk. On November 1, Anatoly Isachenko, chairman of the Minsk Regional Executive Committee, will meet with the participants of the press tour.

The organizers of the event are the Permanent Committee of the Union State, the National Press Center and the Minsk Regional Executive Committee.

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