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04.12.2017, 15:27

A group of Polish companies will get acquainted with the tourist potential of the Minsk region in 2018

The thematic advertising tour for representatives of Polish tour operators in the Minsk region will be organized for the first time in the spring of 2018. The agreement on this was achieved during the 25th international tourist exhibition-fair TT Warsaw Travel Show 2017 held in Warsaw, BelTA learned from Inga Malashkevich, the head of tourism and organizational and personnel work of the Sports and Tourism Department of the Minsk Regional Executive Committee.

The Sports and Tourism Department of the Minsk Regional Executive Committee was present for the first time at a similar tourist forum in Warsaw. "The aim of the participation was the maximum demonstration of all major tourist objects of the Minsk region, including the historical and cultural complex" Stalin Line ", the Pansky Mentak Sula Museum Park, the Vesta sports and recreation complex, the Galaktika recreation center, agrotourism and other objects, "Inga Malashkevich noted.

According to her, representatives of the Polish side were interested in a number of directions in rendering services in the Minsk region. Among them there are sanatorium and resort services for adults and children, industrial tourism, agro-ecological, cultural and historical direction, acquaintance with agro-lodges, etc. In this connection, an agreement was reached with one of the tourist organizations of Poland to hold a thematic advertising tour for the representatives of Polish tour operators. The timing of this trip is tentatively scheduled for March-April 2018. It is expected that up to 40 representatives of various companies will take part in the event. Inga Malashkevich noted that this spring a similar tour was organized for representatives of Estonian travel agencies. During the visit, guests visited the agro-culture of the Volozhin district, as well as various tourist objects of the Minsk and Myadel districts.

During the TT Warsaw Travel Show 2017, a presentation of the sanatorium "Krinitsa" (Minsk district) took place. The institution, in particular, reached an agreement with the Polish travel companies on the admission of citizens of this country for recovery. Significant work on attracting potential customers in the fields of the exhibition was also conducted by representatives of the sanatorium "Priozerny" (Myadel district).

The specialists focused on visa-free visits to Belovezhskaya Pushcha in Belarus and August channel, as well as the possibility of visa-free entry for five days through the National Airport Minsk. Polish tour operators were also informed about the possibility of increasing this period to 10 days. They also received a Internet resource about tourism opportunities and the potential of the Minsk region.

The TT Warsaw Travel Show is a major platform for establishing contacts between representatives of the tourism industry from Poland and other countries. The exhibition is held annually since 1993.

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