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19.12.2017, 11:21

Distance Olympiad of teachers in Minsk region will be held in January-February

The distance Olympiad for teachers of the Minsk region will be held from January 15 to February 15, BelTA learned from the education department of the Minsk Regional Executive Committee.

Intellectual competitions will be held in two stages in such subjects as "Physics" and "Social Science."

The first stage is the qualifying round. Tasks for the participants will be posted on the website of the Minsk Regional Institute for the Development of Education (MIRO) in the Moodle distance education system. The schedule of this stage of the distance Olympiad involves the fulfillment of assignments in physics from January 15 to January 22, social studies from January 17 to January 24. The final second stage will be held on February 15.

After registration, the participants of the first stage will have to perform a test of 30 questions within one astronomical hour (60 minutes), which will be controlled by an automated system. Then teachers will be admitted, who have collected at least 50% of the maximum possible score. The results of the first stage with the indication of the log-in of the second round will appear on the site of the MIRO before February 7. At the final stage of intellectual competitions, the organizers will prepare tasks of open and closed types that will be available for download on February 15 from 14.00 to 16.00. Run and send tests will be required on the same day before 6 pm.

In the Olympiad, there can be participated teachers of institutions of general secondary, vocational and technical secondary education, regardless of the subject of instruction, qualification category and age. The first stage does not require the provision of personal data. To perform tasks, only a personal computer with Internet access is required.

Winners will be determined separately for each academic subject and awarded with diplomas of I, II and III degrees of education administration of the Minsk Regional Executive Committee.

The distance Olympiad is aimed at raising the professional level of teachers in the Minsk region in key areas of modern pedagogics, as well as introducing the latest techniques, methods, information and communication technologies into the learning process.

The organizers of the event are the education department of the Minsk Oblast Executive Committee and the Minsk Regional Institute of Educational Development.

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