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22.12.2017, 10:54

In the Minsk region, additional funds will be used to pay off debts for the construction of engineering networks

Additional funds from the budget of the Minsk region will be allocated before the end of 2017 to pay off debts to contractors for the work done on the construction of engineering networks. Amendments to the regional investment program were approved today at the extraordinary 33rd session of the Minsk Regional Council of Deputies of the 27th convocation, BelTA has learned. Presenting the draft decision, the chairman of the committee on architecture and construction of the Minsk Oblast Executive Committee, Andrei Tararuyev, noted that the need to make changes to the investment program of the Minsk region for the current year is due to the under-development of objective funds for several facilities in Fanipol, Krupki and Lesnoy (Minsk region). The released funds in the amount of more than Br5.8 million are redistributed mainly to the objects of engineering infrastructure, where the work has already been completed. So, the amount of more than Br4 million will be redirected to repay the debt to contractors for work on the construction of utility networks in the Soligorsk district. In the Smolevichy region, the funds will be used to pay for the construction of engineering networks for the commissioning of a residential house No. 2 of the Plisa-2012 plant, in Slutsk - for payment of work done on engineering networks in the microdistrict of ul. Chekhov.

In addition, a part of the released funds (more than Br1 million) will be redirected by the decision of the deputies of the Ministry Council to repay debts for completed design and construction work, payment for delivered products on a number of other infrastructure facilities. Among them, a hotel with 100 seats and water facilities in Myadel; fitness center in Volozhin; objects of transport infrastructure in the area of the agro-town of Ratomka (Minsk region) on the P28 highway. Additional funds are also allocated for reconstruction works with the restoration of the church of God's body in Nesvizh.

Deputies of the Ministry of Education have also approved today the adjustment of the regional budget. This is caused not only by changes in the investment program of the region, but also by the transfer of subsidies from the republican budget to the regional budget (Br4.3 million) and subventions for payment of income on securities issued by the Minsk Regional Executive Committee in accordance with Decree No. 496.

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