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04.01.2018, 11:31

In the Minsk region during the holidays emphasis was placed on active leisure activities

The emphasis on conducting active recreational activities for schoolchildren was made in the Minsk region during the winter holidays, BelTA learned from the Education Department of the Minsk Regional Executive Committee.

The educational institutions of the central region have prepared for the children a whole kaleidoscope of exciting activities that will diversify leisure. Children are waiting for winter fun, quests, fabulous performances, sweet gifts.

So, for example, in Dzerzhinsky district there are mini-tournaments on sports games, work of creative workshops in which children are engaged in manufacturing of New Year's souvenirs is adjusted. Pupils of the Stankovskaya secondary school named after Marat Kazey started to implement the project "Happy New Year!". They will get acquainted with the traditions of celebrating the New Year in different cultures, making national New Year's and Christmas gifts, participating in traditional winter games of different nations.

Molodechno Center for Children and Youth Creativity "Maladik" invites all students of the city and district schools to the New Year's fascinating presentation "While the clock strikes 12". Guys are waiting for fabulous characters with games and entertainment, fun contests, fiery dances, sweet prizes. Children will be able to visit the workshops of arts and crafts, the master class "Suitcase of merry ideas". The cycle of "Winter Fantasy" events includes a creative workshop "New Year's Mitten" and "Carnival Mask", a theatrical performance, fairy tale therapy "Good Tales for Little Children", a karaoke club "New Year's Kaleidoscope". In the festival of the holiday, the children, who require special attention and care: children-orphans, invalids, children who are on treatment, will be enraptured.

The palette of festive events in the Uzda district will be diverse. Here, for the schoolchildren, a dance contest program "Let's get acquainted", a nature lovers' tournament "Surprises of the dense forest", quizzes, outdoor outdoor games, a self-tour "Prose of Grandfather Frost", sports games "Welcome to the country" Sportland! " , "Small Olympic Games", preventive actions "Santa Claus - for road safety!", "Young pedestrian", "Children - passengers" and much more.

In Starodorozhsky district for children organized a contest of readers, KVN, an environmental game "A Happy Occasion," a visit is planned for the students of the theater of drama and comedy named after V. I.Dunin-Martsinkevich (Bobruisk).

"Vacation time is not only fun and recreation, but also labor actions." The pioneers of the Minsk region are among the active participants in the republican action "Our Pioneer Work for You, Fatherland." They are actively collecting secondary resources while preserving nature, " management of education.

In general, more than 9 thousand schoolchildren of the Minsk region will participate in fascinating events during the winter holidays. In the districts of the region, a charitable action "Our Children" also continues.

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