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20.01.2018, 10:31

The share of the Minsk Regional Customs in revenues from the activities of customs authorities in 2017 reached 52%

The share of the Minsk Regional Customs (MRI) in revenues from customs activities in 2017 reached 52%, BelTA learned in the MRI.

Minsk Regional Customs for 2017 transferred to the budget by Br68 million more than in 2016.

The declaration of goods in the MRI was carried out by more than 19 thousand subjects of foreign economic activity. At the same time, 98% of declarations for goods were submitted by participants in foreign economic activity in electronic form.

In MRI also noted the increase in turnover and, accordingly, the number of processed declarations for goods in comparison with 2016. The total number of declarations for goods registered in 2017 increased by 13% and amounted to 42% of the total number of declarations for goods registered in all customs offices of the country.

In terms of exports and imports, the number of export declarations for goods increased by 11%, import declarations for goods - by 13%.

In the fourth quarter of 2017, 53% of the imported lots of goods were placed under the customs procedure within a period not exceeding 2 hours.

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