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25.01.2018, 11:42

The polygon "Trostenetsky" can be closed by 2022

The solid waste landfill "Trostenetsky" can be closed by 2022, the chairman of the Minsk City Committee for Natural Resources and Environmental Protection Sergei Maslyak said at the meeting of the committee on the results of work for 2017 and tasks for 2018, the correspondent reports. BELTA.

"Last year the" Severny "testing ground near Minsk was closed, at the moment, the landfills that are formed in the capital are disposed of at two sites: Prudishche (industrial waste) and Trostenetsky (solid municipal waste). load on disposal of waste at the "Trostenetsky" landfill its design service life will be reduced, which will lead to a possible closure of the landfill, according to the committee's preliminary calculations, by 2022. At the moment, the free capacity of the Trostenetsky landfill is about 6 million tons, - said Sergei Maslyak.

He noted that in view of the current situation, it is required to build a new landfill for waste disposal. "The issue of allocating a site for the construction and construction of a new landfill in the Minsk region will be discussed," the committee chairman added.

During the board, the monitoring activities of the committee in the field of environmental protection in Minsk, protection of atmospheric air and water resources, waste management, protection and use of lands, flora and fauna, environmental regulation of the use of territories, as well as work on environmental education and informing citizens.

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