222201, Минская обл.,
г. Смолевичи, ул. Советская, 125
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08.05.2018, 15:10

The construction of the Amkodor-Mash plant began in the Minsk region

Construction of the Amkodor-Mash plant began in Kolodishchi, Minsk region. Today, the ceremony of laying the capsule in the foundation of the future enterprise was held, BelTA has learned.

"Amkodor-Mash" will produce front and universal loaders with a carrying capacity of 2-5 tons and a power of 250-260 hp, loaders with a telescopic boom, tractors with articulated-frame. The new plant will also produce ready-made machine kits for assembly plants of Amkodor holding. The planned cost of the project is about $ 230 million, production capacity - about 6 thousand cars per year. The creation of 1,350 jobs is envisaged.

The general contractor for the construction of the plant is CITIC Construction, a subsidiary of CITIC Group, one of the largest public investment companies in China.

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