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02.08.2018, 17:20

International festival "In Shemetovo at Shostakovichey"

From August 3 to August 9, 2018 in Myadelsky district the 3rd international festival "In Shemetovo at Shostakovichey" will be held.

The festival is devoted to the outstanding composer and the musician of the XX century Dmitry Dmitrievich Shostakovich. It is known that on the fatherly line the composer has the Belarusian roots. His great-grandfather Pyotr Mikhaylovich Shostakovich (1808-1871) was born in the Belarusian town of Shemetovo (the Zavilensky County of the Vilensky province).

The festival is held since 2016 at the initiative of the representative of the Belarusian diaspora in France, the chairman of association "France – Belarus. Syabro?stva" Arkady Leontyevich Volodosya with assistance of Embassy of Republic of Belarus in the French Republic, the Belarusian state academy of music, SOOO "Conte of SPA", LLC Traypl, Minsk regional executive committee and Myadelsky district executive committee.

Main objective of a festival – preserving the memory of the world famous composer, the native of Belarus and promoting of his creative heritage.

Within the festival there will pass the concert programs "Shostakovich and Italian Music of the 18th Century":

  • in Saint Andrey Apostol's church in of the item Narach (8/3/2018, the beginning at 19:30);
  • in sanatorium "Satellite" (8/4/2018, beginning at 17:00);
  • in a church of God's Mother of the Continued Help in a manor of Shemetovo (8/9/2018, beginning at 19:30).

Works by D.D. Shostakovich and also the Italian composers A. Vivaldi, J.B. Pergolesi will be heard.

Separate concert will be devoted to the Belarusian composer Dmitry Smolsky who will take place in the National children's educational and improving center "Zubrenok" (8/7/2018, the beginning 20.00).

Musicians from Belarus, France, Serbia, Bulgaria will participate in a festival.

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