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29.08.2018, 17:12

In Myadel to the regional "Dazhynkam" plan to open a hotel and a registry office

This was reported to journalists by the Chairman of the Miadzelsky District Council of Deputies Oleg Borovko today after a personal reception of citizens by the presidential assistant - inspector for the Minsk region Igor Evseev in Myadel, BelTA has learned.

"Significant work has been done to prepare the city for the regional holiday" Dazhynki ", which will be held in the second half of September .In Myadel, there will be important and relevant facilities in the long term. In particular, we plan to open a festival for the workers of the village hotel for 100 seats and a new registry office, "- said Oleg Borovko.

Do not forget about the symbol of the city. A local craftsman created an original art object - an eel sculpture. In the green zone near the square next to the eel there are wooden figures created by the talented hands of local craftsmen. A small architectural form already attracts attention of guests and residents of the city.

By the holiday Lenin Square was reconstructed: a new tile was laid, the number of green zones and flowerbeds was increased. The amphitheater will acquire a qualitatively new look. Landscaped beach and recreation area on the shore of the lake Miastro. At 8 housing facilities, major repairs have been carried out, and for more than 30 - current repairs. The buildings of educational and cultural institutions, local Beltelecom and the postal communication center have been repaired. Great attention was paid to the improvement of yard territories.

Last year, work began on reconstruction and repair of water supply networks. As a result, more than 8 km of water pipes were laid and two new wells were put into operation.

Preparing Myadel for the holiday continues.

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