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05.10.2018, 16:36

More than 540 thousand people plan to vaccinate against influenza in the Minsk region

In the Minsk region during a mass vaccination, it is planned to vaccinate more than 540 thousand people from the flu. BelTA was informed by Angela Galenchik, head of the epidemiology department of the Minsk regional center of hygiene, epidemiology and public health.

"Vaccination in the metropolitan area started last week. This year it is planned to vaccinate at least 40% of the region’s residents - more than 540 thousand people. Of these, 32% will be able to receive the vaccine free of charge, another 8% from personal funds or at the expense of enterprises and organizations. As for risk groups, it is planned to vaccinate up to 75% of their number, "said Angela Galenchik.

When vaccination will be used drugs "Grippol" and "Ultravak" Russian production, the French "Vaxigrip" and "Vaxigrip-tetra", the Dutch "Influvac". Vaccines are highly effective and safe, are used in children from 6 months, have experience of use in Belarus and abroad.

The regional center for hygiene, epidemiology and public health was also informed about the incidence of measles in the central region. “The situation is stable and manageable. This year there were several cases of measles in the Borisov, Dzerzhinsky, Minsk and Soligorsk regions. They were reported among people who came from Ukraine or were in contact with one of them,” stated the epidemiologist at the immunization department. institutions Valery Pyzh.

According to her, in all administrative areas where cases of measles were reported, anti-epidemic measures were carried out in a timely manner and contact persons were established for whom medical surveillance was organized. These measures allowed to prevent the spread of infection.

The Ministry of Health reminds of the importance of preventive vaccinations against measles when planning trips. The results of the survey of traveling abroad have shown that 70% of respondents know their vaccination status. For those who are not aware of their measles vaccines and are planning to travel outside the country, it is advisable to clarify the vaccination status and, if necessary, to be vaccinated. If on return from abroad there are symptoms of an infectious disease (fever, rash, sore throat, cough, conjunctivitis), you should immediately consult a doctor. In this case, it is worthwhile to focus his attention on the recent return from foreign countries.

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