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05.11.2018, 16:31

Eco-education of preschool children will be discussed on November 8-9 at a seminar in Minsk

A seminar for preschool education specialists on the Green Schools program will be held in Minsk on November 8-9, a public relations specialist of the project “Involving the public in environmental monitoring and improving environmental management at the local level” (“Eco Monitoring ") Maria Vinchevskaya. 

Preschool education specialists from all over the country will gather at the Academy of Postgraduate Education to evaluate the results of the implementation of the Green Schools environmental program in Belarus, and share experiences and best practices. The program is an important component of the Environmental Monitoring Project, funded by the European Union and implemented by UNDP in partnership with the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection. 

"We expect up to 70 participants and many interesting topics, because in preschool education the green direction has its own characteristics. In addition to the main trends in the development of environmental education in preschool institutions, we will discuss the technological aspects of project implementation, methods and forms of work with children and parents. interaction of universities and kindergartens in these issues ", - explained Maria Vincevskaya. 

Work in groups will be held at the base of the nursery-kindergarten No. 137 of Minsk and the Republican Center for Ecology and Local History.

The project "Environmental Monitoring" is aimed at effective and inclusive environmental management at the local level, monitoring of environmental risks, the exchange of relevant information, in particular, in the field of atmospheric air. The European Union allocates 3.5 million euros to finance it.

Прочитано 13588 раз Последнее изменение 05.11.2018, 16:31
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