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19.11.2018, 17:28

Three iron removal stations are scheduled to open in Molodechno district until the end of the year

By the end of this year, it is planned to put into operation a deironing station in the urban village of Radoshkovichi, in the agricultural towns of Polochany and Lebedevo of the Molodechno District. BelTA learned from the deputy director of the Molodechnodovodokanal PMC Valery Melnik.

“Commissioning works are going on at the facility in Polochany, design work is continuing in Lebedevo and Radoshkovichi. The construction is carried out at the company's own expense,” Valery Melnik said.

At the moment there are nine iron removal stations in the area. Two of them are in Molodechno. According to the deputy director of the water utility, the city’s central water supply provides the citizens with clean and quality water.

As for the remaining settlements, then by 2025 in the area it is planned to completely solve the problem of increased levels of iron in the water. It’s too early to talk about how many stations will be built: earlier there was talk about the creation of 26 objects, but now the approach to their calculation has changed. In particular, the villages around Molodechno are planned to be looped into the urban water supply network, the same option is being considered for the villages around Radoshkovichi.

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