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01.02.2019, 16:12

About 100 families of the Minsk region in 2019 will be moved from dilapidated housing to new

In the central region, in 2019, at least 98 families will be relocated from dilapidated housing to new, BelTA learned from deputy chairman of the architecture and construction committee of the Minsk Regional Executive Committee, chief architect of the Minsk region Vadim Nikolaenko.

"In general, there are more people in need of resettlement from emergency houses in the region. However, the plans for 2019 include 98 families in new homes. For them, we will commission about 5.6 thousand square meters of housing," Vadim said Nikolaenko.

Moreover, 90 families are residents of Borisov. According to the chief architect of the region, this is connected with the instructions of the head of state for the development of the Borisov district and with the regional Dazhynkim, which the district center will accept this year. “A number of projects are being implemented in Borisov. For example, the relocation of residents of some houses is connected with the reconstruction and expansion of Gagarin Street,” he said. 

In the Minsk Region in 2019, at least 1.1 million square meters will be commissioned. This is 25% of the national plan for housing (4 million square meters). However, the Minsk region expects to over-fulfill the plan. The task has been set to provide housing for all large families during the year, so now the possibility is being considered to introduce in the region a little more than the amount of housing planned by the government. 

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