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27.02.2019, 16:31

In the Minsk region in 2018, the number of small schools decreased by a quarter

In the Minsk Region in 2018, the number of small schools in which up to 50 people study is reduced by a quarter. The BelTA correspondent was informed about this by the main education department of the Minsk Regional Executive Committee.

In 2017, there were 48 such educational institutions in the metropolitan area, and in 2018, there were 36 such institutions. There are also no classes in the region where less than 5 people study. Although back in 2017 there were 7 classes with only 1 student.

At the same time, the number of students in the region increased: in 2017 there were 146.3 thousand people, in 2018 - 149.3 thousand.

Last year, eliminated 4 educational institutions, reorganized - one. Now in the Minsk region there are 514 schools, institutions of additional education - 48, vocational - 35, special - 30.

For the transportation of schoolchildren in the Minsk region in 2019, it is planned to purchase 21 buses, to spend Br1.8 million for the purchase of transport. In 2018, the school bus fleet in the region was replenished with 16 cars, about Br1.2 million was spent.

In addition, last year, the design and construction of 11 education facilities began - almost Br27 million were sent to work. Over Br29.5 million were allocated for repairs.


Прочитано 13856 раз Последнее изменение 27.02.2019, 16:31
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