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02.04.2019, 14:28

More than 100 organizations of Minsk will take part in the city job fair on April 25

The city job fair "We will find work together" will take place in the cultural and sports center of the Minsk branch of the Belarusian Railways on April 25, BelTA learned from the Committee on Labor, Employment and Social Protection of the Minsk City Executive Committee.

Within three hours - from 10.00 to 13.00 - citizens who are in search of work will be able to find out about the availability of vacancies, working conditions and pay, to consult on issues of employment, retraining, receiving subsidies for organizing their own business. The event will be attended by more than 100 organizations of the city in various fields of activity (industry, construction, transport, trade and public catering, health care, etc.).

Visitors will be offered information materials about the services provided by the state employment services, booklets with recommendations on job search and resume writing, specialized publications with current vacancies. The work of seven sections is envisaged: “Let's start a business together,” “Strategy for choosing a profession,” “Starting into working life,” “Employment without borders,” “Training with guaranteed employment,” “Formula for a successful career,” “Jobs today and now.”

At the end of the fair, a round table will be held on the trends in the capital's labor market, the organization of temporary employment for young students, and the issues of employers' compliance with the requirements of employment legislation.


Прочитано 13864 раз Последнее изменение 02.04.2019, 14:28
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