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04.04.2019, 16:35

"Smotriny" for homeless cats and dogs will be arranged in Minsk

Charitable action-attachment "Way home!" will be held on April 14 in Minsk: more than 60 cats and dogs will be able to find owners on their peculiar "bridegrooms", organizers told BelTA.

Exhibition on the street. October 16/27 will work from 13.00 to 18.00. At this time, visitors can meet for free the four-legged ones who are waiting for attachments, and choose the pet they liked. All dogs and cats are healthy and vaccinated.

In addition, the new owners, along with their pets, will receive free advice on the maintenance of their new friends and their care from specialists: veterinarians, canine experts and animal nutrition experts.

Visitors waiting and a rich entertainment program. In fact, the action will be a real festival - with performances of Belarusian artists, themed photo zones, exciting master classes, animation and akvagrim.

Those who want to help homeless animals will be able to participate in a charity auction, all the proceeds from which will be transferred to the maintenance of the shelter.

The action is organized by the Public Association "Aegis" and the manufacturer of pet food.


Прочитано 14284 раз Последнее изменение 04.04.2019, 16:35
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