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29.04.2019, 14:58

Belarusian BelAZ ships new batch of haul trucks to Philippines

The Belarusian automobile engineering company BelAZ has shipped three haul trucks with the carrying capacity of 55 tonnes to the Philippines, BelTA has learned.

The BelAZ-7555V trucks have been shipped to the Philippine company Geo-Transport & Construction Inc. The haul trucks will have to transport limestone in an open pit on the island of Cebu. The trucks have been modified to match the customer's requirements and climatic conditions. The haul trucks are suitable for operation in the tropics. They boast an increased dump body volume, multidisk oil-cooled brakes, and extra fuel filters.

The first batch of six BelAZ-7555V trucks was commissioned on the island of Cebu in late December 2018 at a sand pit of the major cement manufacturer Cemex Philippines APO Cement. The vehicles have demonstrated good performance. The customer mentioned operational economy, convenience, and simplicity of maintenance of the Belarusian trucks. BelAZ has good prospects on the Philippines market, BelAZ representatives said. There is also a great potential for cooperation and for promoting products in this region. Moreover, the island nation is located in the western part of the Pacific Ocean and boasts considerable reserves of many kinds of mineral resources.

Based in Zhodino, Minsk Oblast, the public joint-stock company (OAO) BelAZ is the world's leading manufacturer of haul trucks with a large carrying capacity and an extremely large carrying capacity. The company also makes other kinds of heavy transport vehicles for the mining industry and the civil engineering industry


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