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13.05.2019, 16:34

Dedicated facility to respond to off-nominal situations during 2nd European Games Minsk 2019

An operation and coordination center of the 2nd European Games located at 103 Pobeditelei Avenue in Minsk has been opened. Prime Minister of Belarus, chairman of the republican committee in charge of organizing the games Sergei Rumas was made familiar with capabilities of the facility on 13 May, BelTA has learned.

The key task of the facility is to coordinate actions while events proceed as normal and to come up with measures to respond to off-nominal situations in the course of the 2nd European Games Minsk 2019 (except for the incidents law enforcement and security agencies are supposed to respond to). The facility will work 24/7 on 19 June – 2 July, employing about 100 people per shift. International experience and proposals of the European Olympic Committees were taken into account in the course of creating the operation and coordination center.

The center will get information about off-nominal situations right away. Training sessions are already being arranged to practice responding to situations during the actual games. The Belarusian head of government saw one such session in progress. It was an example of what the duty personnel are supposed to do if an incident happens during the games. People responsible for various aspects – protocol, catering, transportation, TV broadcasting, volunteer work, interaction with the European Olympic Committees, and other ones – will be posted inside the operation room. Negotiation rooms to promptly handle off-nominal situations are located nearby.

Sergei Rumas also saw the operation of the technical solutions center, which will work as part of the operation and coordination center and take care of all the technical malfunctions during the games. A special unit will keep an eye on all the information systems used by various contractors – Beltelecom and other communications companies. Statistics of technical problems will be summed up every day in order to get rid of bottlenecks and forestall a repeat of off-nominal situations.

Incidents will be assigned three levels – red, yellow, or green – depending on their severity. George Katulin, CEO of the Minsk European Games Organizing Committee (MEGOC), explained that it will be necessary to downgrade as many incidents as possible to the green level and deal with problems directly where they happen since coordinating centers at each and every venue of the games is the lowest tier of organization of the 2nd European Games Minsk 2019.

Sergei Rumas suggested arranging a comprehensive test of all facilities of the 2nd European Games Minsk 2019 before the games begin in order to practice actions of the operation and coordination center in conditions resembling those of the games as much as possible.

Some facilities have already been tested in the course of test competitions. Test athletics competitions will take place in the Dinamo Stadium soon. It is a key facility taking into account the fact that the opening ceremony and the closing one will take place there. The stadium's operation was tested during the sport and culture festival Bright Festival last week.

Apart from that, Sergei Rumas wondered about the readiness of information systems for organizers of the competitions and the readiness of the mobile app designed for guests and tourists. Special software has been developed for the 2nd European Games Minsk 2019. The software can later be used during other major events, not necessarily sport ones. The head of government agreed the software product can be commercialized later on. A proposal put forward by government agencies suggests setting up a sport directorate to help organize events, including events abroad, using the software product. The prime minister suggested looking into the possibilities after the 2nd European Games Minsk 2019. The directorate's ability to earn its living instead of draining the state budget is the key condition.

The 2nd European Games will take place in Minsk on 21-30 June 2019. Over 4,000 athletes from 50 countries will compete in 200 medal events in 15 sports.


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