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22.05.2019, 15:59

Minsk students meet with Polish ambassador

A meeting of the youth club Young Diplomat took place in the House of Friendship in Minsk on 21 May, BelTA has learned.

The meeting with Poland's Ambassador to Belarus Artur Michalski highlighted the role of diplomacy in strengthening friendship between the peoples of Belarus and Poland. Minsk school and university students asked the Polish diplomat about the history, culture, and political development of the state, and also its cooperation with other countries in the European Union. Artur Michalski provided detailed answers and told the Minsk students about the role of Poland in the European Union.

The event featured the reading of Polish poems, Polish songs and a quest to check the youth's knowledge about Poland. 


Прочитано 15116 раз Последнее изменение 22.05.2019, 15:59
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