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26.12.2016, 15:20

The development of Minsk Oblast was dynamic in 2016 - S.Shapiro

Despite the objective difficulties, the development of the Minsk region were dynamic in 2016, the chairman of Minsk Oblast Executive Committee Semyon Shapiro at a press conference for national and regional mass media, BelTA has learned.

"The region is developing dynamically. In all areas there are positive results. For example, every year continues to strengthen the material base of medical institutions. This year, two costly apparatus of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). It was decided that next year the machines MRI and angiography were acquired appear in Slutsk, and Molodechno ", - said Semyon Shapiro.

Continuing the theme, the head of the Minsk region informed that the industrial production growth rate in the current year will be at the level of 102% in relation to 2015. The fall of industry performance is stopped and begins to grow, emphasized Semyon Shapiro. According to him, in 2016 there was progress in the major investment markets. Almost completed construction of the first Belarusian plant to produce passenger cars - CJSC "BelDzhi", which is the first stage in the next year will produce 60 thousand cars a year.. In addition, the governor praised the dynamic development of the Chinese-Belarusian Industrial Park "Great Stone". The most important projects for the region, Semyon Shapiro also mentioned the creation of the Belarusian national biotech corporation that will deliver the customer for the design and construction of high-tech enterprises under Rudenskaya (Pukhovichi District) with a full cycle of production of modern feeds and feed additives for agriculture. In 2017, Chinese investors are ready to invest in this project is more than $ 200 million. It is also actively developing a project to build Nezhinsky mining and processing complex in Luban district, an investor who acts "Slavkaly".

Semyon Shapiro said the good results achieved in the pharmaceutical industry, which gives a significant increase in production volumes. Drugs manufactured in Borisov, Logoisk, Nesvizh, demand in many countries of the world. Not bad in 2016 triggered the light industry, which also increased production volumes. Performs performance in construction. In particular, the planned output of 100% in the volume of housing construction compared to last year. The area will be handed over 1 million square meters of housing, despite the decline in lending.

As the pace of growth of the gross regional product of Minsk region in January-November came in second place in the country. Chairman of the Minsk Oblast Executive Committee has predicted the movement of the central region in the leading position for the year due to growth in production at JSC "Belaruskali". He added that agriculture is able to contribute to the achievement of the overall regional, as there is with a growth rate of 105-106% of production.

Semyon Shapiro also praised the results of the spheres of culture and sports in the region in the past year. "In general stagnation in any field is not observed," - he concluded.

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