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As of August 20, Belarusian farmers threshed more than 6 million tons of grain. The average yield is 31.5 centners per hectare. The threshing in the Minsk region is over…
The youth project Marathon 75 timed to the 75th anniversary of Belarus' liberation from Nazi invaders and the Soviet victory in the Great Patriotic War will kick off at the…
Minsk and Moscow are finding common ground on the issues related to the supplies of Belarusian products to Russia, Belarus Deputy Agriculture and Food Minister Igor Brylo told the STV…
The 22nd edition of the Belarusian-Polish economic forum Good Neighborliness is underway at the National Library of Minsk, BelTA has learned. The forum will feature a plenary session to discuss…
Vice Speaker of the Council of the Republic of the National Assembly of Belarus, National Coordinator for SDGs Marianna Shchetkina met with UNDP Resident Representative in Belarus Alexandra Solovieva to…
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