222201, Минская обл.,
г. Смолевичи, ул. Советская, 125
(режим работы)
Телефон приемной: +375 (1776) 4-42-91 "горячая линия"
Факс: +375 (1776) 2-76-33
Телефон «горячей линии» райисполкома: +375 (1776) 4-42-91 "горячая линия"

Телефон «горячей линии» КУП «Смолевичское ЖКХ» работает с 8.00 до 13.00 и 14.00 до 17.00 понедельник-пятница по телефону +375 (1776) 2-73-68

Единый номер справочной службы «одно окно» - 142

E-MAIL: isp@smolevichi.gov.by (для деловой переписки), обращения.бел для обращений граждан и юридических лиц.





The deficit of places in kindergartens and schools is planned to be eliminated in the Minsk region for three years. About this on the air of the program "Outlines" of…
The share of the Minsk Regional Customs (MRI) in revenues from customs activities in 2017 reached 52%, BelTA learned in the MRI. Minsk Regional Customs for 2017 transferred to the…
The IVth Republican exhibition-fair "Zhodzinskiy kirmash" starts another season of similar events in the Minsk region, BelTA learned from Vitaly Zhuk, head of the department for advertising, publishing, information and…
Chairman of the Minsk Oblast Executive Committee Anatoly Isachenko told about the prospects of development of the Minsk region on the eve of the 80th anniversary of the formation of…
The Minsk regional organization of the Belarusian Trade Union of Agro-Industrial Workers (APK) over the past three years has helped to protect labor rights and legitimate socio-economic interests of more…
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