222201, Минская обл.,
г. Смолевичи, ул. Советская, 125
(режим работы)
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Телефон «горячей линии» КУП «Смолевичское ЖКХ» работает с 8.00 до 13.00 и 14.00 до 17.00 понедельник-пятница по телефону +375 (1776) 2-73-68

Единый номер справочной службы «одно окно» - 142

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The dates and venues for the seven major spring regional fairs that will be held in the Minsk region in 2017 are determined, BelTA was told in the main department…
More than half of the districts of the Minsk region have started sowing early spring grain and leguminous crops, BelTA learned from Sergey Primachenko, head of the agriculture and crop…
The leshozes of the Minsk region are planning to increase harvesting of birch sap to 3,700 tons, BelTA learned from the Minsk State Forestry Production Association (GPLC)."The season of active…
The names of the winners of the Minsk regional stage of the "Master of the Year of the Republic of Belarus" professional skill competition will be announced on March 29…
In the Minsk region is necessary to analyze in detail the work of the leaders of agricultural organizations. The assignment was made chairman of the Minsk Oblast Executive Committee Semyon…
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