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09.02.2017, 8:39

Projects of students of Minsk Region received awards of scientific and engineering competition in St. Petersburg

Seven projects of students of educational institutions of Minsk Region received awards XIII Baltic Scientific and Engineering Competition held in St. Petersburg (Russia), BelTA learned from the education department of Minsk City Executive Committee.

So, a student of 10th class gymnasium №2 Salihorsk Daria Sulim awarded the diploma of III degree, special prize and diploma business Jury Prize laureate from FirstLine company for the work "Preparation of encapsulated potassium fertilizer." A student of the 11th grade of high school №14 Salihorsk Rodion Bogomarov awarded a diploma of III degree and a special prize for his work "Programmable avtozvonok". Students 9th grade Smolevichsky district gymnasium Podborski Maria and Anastasia Solonet received the diploma of III degree and a special prize for his work "Method for the determination of ascorbic acid by iron compounds" .

Work "AirPhone - smart new generation of" student of the 11th grade of high school №11 Slutsk Vladislav Gadalova awarded a diploma laureate Teachers jury diploma of the winner of the youth jury prize and diploma winner of the business award from the jury of "Factory Loyalty". Pupil of the 10th grade of high school №3 Borisov and Gudo "Borisov center of ecology and tourism," Maria Trepenok received the diploma of teacher Jury Prize laureate for his work "Polymorphism carrot flower plants uterine dining Daucus Carota L. varieties Lyavoniha". Tenth Borovlyany school №2 March Vasyukovich organizing committee awarded the diploma of the winner and the prize for the work "Building shadows geometric shapes." Another student of the 10th class of the gymnasium №1 Dzerzhinsk Paulina Shumskaya awarded the diploma of the winner and the prize of the organizing committee for the work "The temperature anomalies of the human body".

The Baltic Science and Engineering Competition - one of the most ambitious scientific competitions for students. This year, it defended its development representatives from various regions of Russia, as well as Belarus, Kazakhstan and Ukraine. The competition featured more than 400 studies of young scientists aged between 13 and 19 years in areas such as mathematics, programming, physics, engineering, biology, chemistry, robotics, ecology.

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