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Единый номер справочной службы «одно окно» - 142

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30.08.2018, 17:02

New resident of FEZ "Minsk" will produce sheet plastic in Fanipol

The new resident, OOO Ultraplast, was registered in the FEZ Minsk, BelTA learned from the administration of the free economic zone.

The enterprise plans to create the production of sheet plastics and components to them. The volume of investment in the project is estimated at almost 3.9 million euros, the company undertakes to create at least 48 jobs. On the land plot of 2.5 hectares in Fanipol a production and warehouse complex with a total area of 12.5 thousand square meters will be built.

The Free Economic Zone Minsk was established in 1998 with the aim of attracting domestic and foreign investments for the creation and development of production facilities based on new and high technologies and providing favorable conditions for the economic development of the region. The main industrial branches in which FEZ enterprises operate are machine building and metalworking, chemical and petrochemical, timber and construction industries. In August, the boundaries of the FEZ were expanded, new sections were added to it in Molodechno and Zhodino.

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