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17.10.2018, 15:47

Traffic on the outer side of the Moscow Ring Road in the area of Loshitsy is scheduled to open on October 20

The movement of road transport on the outer side of the Moscow Ring Road in the area of Loshitsa microdistrict is scheduled to open on October 20. BelTA learned from the chief engineer of the Gordorstroy enterprise Vasily Tibezh.

According to him, when the start of traffic on the outer ring, pedestrians will be able to move on a new sidewalk under the pavement from the third pillar.

Work on the inner side of the ring will continue until early November. Movement in all directions of the Moscow Ring Road, as well as under the overpass in the direction of Igumensky Trakt and Babushkina streets, is scheduled to open by November 7.

As reported, in early August, on the 19th km of the Moscow Ring Road in the area of Loshitsy, the roadway of the overpass sagged, the traffic along the busy highway, adjacent streets was difficult, the traffic was broken. Overpass erected in 1985. Initially it was supposed to replace only one span, to complete the restoration by October 1, but the scope of work after the detailed survey has doubled. The estimated cost of construction of the facility amounted to more than Br4.3 million.

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