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09.11.2018, 15:51

Training camp for young law enforcement assistants will be held in Minsk

The training camp for the 300 best participants in the BRSM youth law enforcement movement in the capital (MOOP) will take place on November 10, BelTA learned from the city organization of the Belarusian Republican Youth Union.

On the territory of secondary school No. 143 in Minsk on this day, thematic sections and sites will work. “The children will be introduced to specialized emergency rescue equipment, trained in fire fighting, first aid, the basics of detective work, self-defense techniques. A master class on hand-to-hand combat will also be held here,” told the BRSM.

For the commanders of MOOP, there will be organized sections on the legal aspects of the activities of youth policing units and volunteer squads, as well as practical training on management and communications.

The central gathering event will be an open dialogue "The current state and prospects for the development of the youth law enforcement movement in Minsk," dedicated to the interaction of the MOOP with the security forces. Heads of the department of the Investigative Committee for Minsk, the city department of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the Department of Law Enforcement and Prevention of the Main Internal Affairs Directorate of the Minsk City Executive Committee, and the BRSM city committee are invited as experts.

The collection will end with the ceremony of awarding the best fighters and units of the MOOP of the capital.

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