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29.11.2018, 16:40

In Borisov to the regional "Dazhynki" will reconstruct the historic center of the city

In Borisov, it is planned to reconstruct the Cathedral Square to the regional festival-fair of village workers "Dazhynki", the head of the architecture and construction department of the Borisov district executive committee Elena Shershen told BelTA.

“The idea of reconstructing the Cathedral Square emerged long ago. Especially for us, students of the Belarusian National Technical University, the Department of Design of Architectural Environment, developed several concepts, according to which Komsomolskaya and Dzerzhinsky streets would be pedestrian - they would be paved with cobblestones. A single architectural space with lanterns, shops and other objects ", - said Elena Hornet.

A fountain may appear. "I would very much like to create something similar in the historical center of the city. In any case, if not one large fountain, then at least several small fountains," the chief architect of the city specified.

Also in the plans - improvement of the facades of buildings with the status of historical and cultural values. Together with the owners, it is planned to improve the appearance of the objects in the same style.

Renovation will affect the parking lot. Its current location will be part of the area. A large parking lot will appear on the site of the barracks: one dilapidated building on Lopatin Street has already been demolished, and plans to remove another one.

The concept of reconstruction has already been approved by the decision of the Borisov district executive committee. Now Minskproekt is developing project documentation. As soon as it is agreed and will pass the examination, work will begin. The first phase - the creation of a pedestrian street Dzerzhinsky.

"In addition to restoring the historic center, it is planned to reconstruct Gagarin Street, build a bridge and a bridge, improve many green areas," concluded Elena Shershen.

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