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12.12.2016, 15:21

Police took under clock control reservoirs in Minsk Oblast

Minsk oblast police took under clock control reservoirs, BelTA learned from deputy head of law enforcement and prevention ATC Minsk Regional Executive Committee Andrei Ambrazhey.

"In Minsk region imposed a ban on the ice based on the received corresponding orders Minsk Oblast Executive Committee on 10 December. On Saturday evening the most popular fishermen ponds around the clock practiced to prevent tragedies. The events are attended by police inspectors, traffic police officers, operational-rescue service" , - said Andrey Ambrazhey.

According to the ATC the information over the weekend in the waters fell through the ice and drowned six residents of Minsk region. Tragedy occurred in Dzerzhinsk (4 people), Luban and Kletsk regions. The main cause of drowning people began to yield to the fragile ice. First of all we are talking about the amateurs of the winter fishing. "Particular attention was paid to the Sunday reservoirs Dzerzhinsky district policemen had to literally pull out from the breaking ice fans of extreme fishing is noteworthy that often these people were very advanced age, with the experience of fishermen, is not in a state of intoxication..", - Said Andrey Ambrazhey.

ATC Manual decided to target the most district offices of the Interior in the preventive work in this direction. In all educational institutions of the region will be conducted preventive conversations with students and their parents to comply with the security measures in the winter. ponds mining will continue until further notice the chief police department of the Minsk Oblast Executive Committee. "The predicted weather conditions are not conducive to a lasting ice cover. Currently, reservoirs (including open water) covered with snow, under which, even taking into account the occurring of frost, ice cover remains fragile. Go on the ice is extremely dangerous in these conditions. In this communication is not superfluous to remind not only about personal safety measures, but also the need for execution of the legitimate demands of the police officers in the opposite case we can talk about bringing to administrative responsibility "-. said Andrey Ambrazhey.

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