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01.03.2017, 9:05

Farmers Minsk oblast are provided with seeds of spring grain at 107%

The agricultural organizations of the Minsk oblast are provided with seeds of spring grain and leguminous crops for spring sowing to 107%, BelTA learned from deputy head of the department of agriculture and crop Committee on Agriculture and Food Minoblispolkoma Julia Składanowski.

"... The aim is to carry out spring sowing of grain and leguminous seeds of high reproductions constantly carried out to sortosmene and strain renovation seeds for the upcoming planting season in the Minsk region enough agricultural organizations Provision of them is 107%", - said Yulia Składanowski

Under the 2017 harvest in the agricultural organizations of the central region in the presence of 61 thousand. Tonnes of seeds of grain and leguminous crops with the needs of 57 thousand. Tons, taking into account the insurance fund. Moreover, it formed in the right quantity supply of rapeseed in case you need replanting due to unstable weather conditions in the spring. As for the corn seed, then they purchase a tender.

The representative stated oblselhozproda normal winter crops in the field. Their deaths within 3%, which corresponds to a natural death during the winter (with an acceptable level of 5%).

By the spring sowing in the Minsk region allotted 563 thousand. Ha, of which 234 thousand. Ha for sowing cereals and legumes. Corn upcoming spring sowing is planned on the area of 202 thousand hectares, including silage and green fodder -. 178 thousand ha.. According to Yulia Składanowski, the structure of sown areas formed in the current year will not change significantly. However, you expect to increase the proportion of perennial grasses on arable land followed by reduction of the maize area.

In anticipation of spring field work agricultural organizations of the Minsk region continued accumulation of fuel, mineral and nitrogen fertilizers, organics are taken. In the fields in the drainage canals are closed throughout the floodgates for maximum accumulation of moisture in the soil. Traditionally, open the sowing campaign in the Minsk region Soligorsk and Starodorozhski areas.

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