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31.03.2017, 10:43

All out-of-town health-improving children's camps in Minsk will start working until June 7

All out-of-town health-improving children's camps in Minsk will start working until June 7, the head of the Minsk city administration of the Republican center for sanitation and sanatorium treatment of the population Valery Nafranovich said at a meeting of the Minsk city executive committee, BelTA has learned.

Preparation and acceptance of objects must be completed before May 25. To prepare the institutions for work in the summer period, Br700 thousand was allocated from the city budget, Br145 thousand out of the republican budget. Some of the funds earned during the subbotnik will be directed to the development of the material and technical base.

According to Valery Nafranovich, a lot has been done in the capital to preserve and improve the system of summer improvement of schoolchildren. Annually suburban camps of the capital are recognized as winners of the republican contest-contest in various nominations. At the same time, some facilities require repair, landscaping and sports grounds.

"The managers of the enterprises, on whose balance the camps are located, should count not only on subsidies from the budget, but also show initiative." In 2017, the owners plan to allocate at least Br1.5 million for the preparation of camps, "Valery Nafranovich said. / P>

A total of 66.2 thousand young Minskers will have a rest on summer vacations in children's recreation camps, including 38.3 thousand in camps with round-the-clock stay, with about 27.9 thousand children daily. There will be 32 in-country countryside recreation camps, over 400 camps with day stay and 200 tented and profile camps.

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